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Stoke Bruerne

CE Primary School

Stoke Bruerne, Class 3

Welcome back, Class 3!

I hope you all had a wonderful break and are ready for an exciting term ahead. It's lovely seeing everyone again.

We have lots of fun things planned for this term which are outlined in more detail in the class newsletter. The children will start our new History topic, which is all about World War II, focusing on how it impacted the lives of the people of Great Britain. Work will involve reading varied sources of information, including independent research and using resources from the library. I am sure everyone will enjoy creating their own learning journey! 

In addition to this, we will be completing a Science unit on 'Classification', which involves describing how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms, plants and animals. They will also learn about the significance of the work of scientists such as Carl Linnaeus, a pioneer of classification.

Our RE unit this term focusses on 'The Kingdom of God - What kind of King was Jesus?' We will look at the famous Parables of Jesus and relate these to our values.

Our value this half-term is 'Service.' We will continue to enjoy our daily collective worship based around this value as well as covering work related to this in class. 

Further details about the whole of our curriculum can be found in our attached newsletter.

We should all have a pretty full, fun-packed term. Our P.E day may vary each week depending on the weather, so please make sure P.E kits are in school every day.

We cannot wait to share with you what we get up to!

Be sure to keep up to date with ClassDojo in order to see what's going on in class. 

Thank you for your continued support. It is very much appreciated.

As always, if you have any questions or queries about your child’s learning or wellbeing, please either pop in and see me or send me a message.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Howe