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CE Primary School

Curriclum Enrichment


Rhino Sports Academy will be providing our after-school clubs from September 2023. This will include a different range of sports including football,basketball,dodgeball and performing arts. 

Clubs will run from 3:30-4:30pm and if you require the extra childcare they are offering an extra hour as Rhino Kidz Club. Within this extra hour they will put on different activities for the children to do whether that be sports, drawing and colouring or simply relaxing.

To book on to any of the clubs please go to -


Music Lessons

We currently offer Violin and Guitar lessons. A teacher from Northamptonshire Performing Arts Trust deliver the lessons during school time.

Cost to parents is £84.00 per term.

Educational Visits and Residential Trips

School trips and visits are an integral part of the education of children at Whittlebury Primary.  We value the opportunities such visits offer our pupils and the commitment of staff and adults undertaking them.  Trips include class visits aimed at bringing learning alive and providing first-hand experience and bringing learning alive.

Children in Year 4 and 6 take part in residential visits. These are planned to provide new and exciting experiences. Children in Year 4 attend a 3 day, 2 nights residential trip and our Year 6 people enjoy a week long residential.