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Yardley Gobion

CE Primary School


We believe that high levels of pupil attendance are essential to child development and progress. Our target attendance rate for the year is 95%.  If your child is late or absent please phone your school before 9am so that the absence is appropriately recorded. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s attendance or illness please telephone the school as soon as possible. Children are recorded as late after registers have closed, if they arrive after 9.15am and this counts as an unauthorised absence.

We discourage holidays in term-time and it is Forest CE Federation policy (attached below) that they are not authorised, this is in line with DfE amended regulations which came into effect on 1st November 2013. If you wish to apply for a term-time absence, please ask for the appropriate form from the school office or download the form below. Please be aware that leave is only authorised for exceptional circumstances.

We often get asked by parents how long their child should be kept off school when they have contracted certain a illness. Please see below the guidance from the Department of Health.