Mrs Hollis is our fantastic Executive Headteacher. She has dedicated her life to education and has a real passion for innovative teaching and learning. She started her career as a classroom teacher, has worked as a Foundation Stage Leader in Education and is now a successful Headteacher across our Federation.
Mrs Powell is our Deputy Headteacher and Special Needs co-ordinator. She has worked in the Federation for 12 years and has experience teaching children from Reception through to Year 6. Mrs Powell works alongside Mrs Hollis to run the Federation schools and can be seen in school each week. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact her.
Mrs Townsend is the super School Business Manager across the whole Federation and is regularly in the office at each of our five schools. She has been with us many years and began her school career at Whittlebury Primary School.
Mrs Reeve is our Office Manager who works across the whole Federation. Mrs Reeve previously worked at Whittlebury and Gayton Primary School. She is a friendly lady who is always willing to help in any way she can.
Mrs Smalley is our efficient and helpful Admin Assistant who runs the school office on a daily basis. She goes above and beyond to help everyone.
Mr Thompson is the Assistant Head who helps run the school on a daily basis. He is also our fantastic Class 4 Teacher, teaching Year 6. He has high expectations and is well respected by all pupils.
Mrs Bennington teaches in Class 3. She is a happy, fun and outgoing teacher. Her wealth of experience and knowledge ensures the children receive a fantastic education.
Mrs Penn teaches in Class 3 sharing the teaching with Mrs Bennington. She is an exciting and inspirational teacher and enjoys achieving the best outcomes for all pupils.
Miss Bruton teaches in Class 2 and ensures children in Years 2 & 3 reach their full potential.
Mrs Parker is our creative Class 1 teacher. Her classroom is a vibrant learning environment to ensure all children in Reception and Class 1 enjoy varied and exciting learning.
Mrs Benn is our Higher Level Teaching Assistant and works across all of our classrooms. She helps support the children and works in small groups. She works incredibly hard across the school and is loved by all the children.
Mrs Lambert is one of our wonderful Teaching Assistants. She helps support the children in group work and on a 1:1 basis. She works incredibly hard across the school.
Mrs Lambert also runs our Breakfast Club.
Mrs Getter is a Teaching Assistant who works in Class 1 supporting Mrs Parker. She works with the children on a one-to-one basis and also works with small groups within the class.
Mrs Getter also runs our very popular after-school Lego Club on Tuesdays.
Mrs Wallis is a Teaching Assistant who works across the school. Mrs Wallis will also soon be a Forest School leader, providing much-loved Forest School lessons to our pupils.
Mrs Tunstall is our lovely Teaching Assistant who supports Miss Bruton in Class 2.
Mrs Long is a SEN Teaching Assistant who works alongside Mrs Parker in Class 1.
Mrs Hedges joined us in September 2023 as a SEN Teaching Assistant and works alongside Mrs Bennington and Mrs Penn in Class 3.
Mrs Harris is our Specialist Pastoral Support Assistant who works across the Federation. She has a good relationship with all the children and knows exactly how to help them reach their potential. She works with them on both a 1:1 basis and in small groups as required. Mrs Harris is passionate about PE and enjoys supporting the children in various sporting events within school, the Forest Federation and at interschool competitions and events.