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CE Primary School

Admission Arrangements


If you are interested in sending your child to our school, please do call us to arrange an informal visit, so you can come and have a look around.  We would be more than happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have. To apply for your child to attend our wonderful primary school, please click on the link below which will take you directly to the West Northamptonshire County Council Admissions page. To view our Admissions Policy, please look in the policy section. If you need any help completing your admission forms, please contact us and we will happily assist you.

Across the Federation, we try to prepare children for starting school in September by holding several familiarisation events in the summer term. Parents of pupils enroled for September will receive notification of the timetable for these events, which include taster afternoons and a meeting for parents, so we can make your child’s transition into Reception Class as easy as possible for them.

You will find our admissions policy below.

Tiffield CEVA Primary is a Voluntary Aided School. The Governing Body of a VA School is the admission authority and has responsibility for setting the admission policy. Where there are more applications than there are places available, the governing body will prioritise applications according to its admission criteria, some of which relate to religious allegiance. If you wish your child to be considered under the religious criteria please complete the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) below and return it to school by closing date of 15th January if you are applying for your child to start school in Reception next year. If you do not wish your child to be considered under the religious criteria this form is not necessary.